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Please keep in mind our “terms” for adoption BEFORE you complete the Adoption Application:

  • Children in the home must be at least 6 years of age, and you must live in the DFW Metroplex.

  • You must be 21 years old to apply.

  • The person applying must be the person who will own and care for the dog.

  • You cannot apply for someone else, or for a dog to give as a gift.

  • Our adoption fees range from $200 - $450.


If you agree to the above then the following is our process, please:

Submit an Application online

After submitting an application for the dog you would like adopt, please come out to one of our "Tzu Reviews" at a noted Petsmart or other specified location. You can find times and locations on our Events Calendar.

Once we have met with you, reviewed your application, along with vet records on any prior dogs, and helped you select the dog most suitable for your family, we will schedule a time for one of our volunteers to come to your home for a home visit. During this home visit our volunteer will look around your house/apartment and yard, for any potential hazards (such as poisonous house plants, gaps in fences, etc.) that may need to be corrected before you receive your new family member.

If you have any concerns about your application, or concerns after you have been to a Tzu Review, please email us at or leave a message on our voicemail 888-290-3335, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Please be patient as most of our volunteers work full time jobs, and have to schedule accordingly.

Please keep in mind that sometimes the dog you're applying for might already have an adoption pending, or may actually "fit" better in a different applicant's home. If this should happen, we will try to contact you as soon as possible and help you decide on another dog, or you can continue to wait until another suitable dog becomes available.

Our volunteers hope to help you choose the best match for your family, and to make adopting your new family member a pleasant and enjoyable process.

Thank you so much for choosing RESCUE, and for considering a DFW Tzus & More Rescue dog.

By opting to adopt, you CAN make a difference.

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